What drives us tomorrow?
For the research and development on the drive of tomorrow, we offer a uniquie package: test benches with hydrogen infrastructure for fuel cells and hydrogen engines, respective software models and control units plus system engineering know-how.
Know-how and experience on hydrogen and fuel cells
Hydrogen as a carbon-free energy carrier has become the focus of research and development projects. Especially for the heavy-duty sector this technology seems to be promising and there is a corresponding demand for engineering and testing capacities in order to develop solutions ready for series production.
The energy carrier of the future on the test bench
For this reason we have equiped two of our heavy-duty test benches at our location in Werdohl (Germany) for operation with hydrogen.
Details and more about our test-benches with hydrogen infrastructure
Our own software, hardware, the technical knowledge and now also engine test benches for hydrogen operation as well as test benches for fuel cells - our service portfolio offers our partners and customers the best possible support for the work on the drive of tomorrow.

Own development and protoyping software on our own prototoyping and series control unit
We support our customers with our own RCP control unit and have model-based software with which the commissioning of a hydrogen engine is possible in a very short time.
Many functions are already integrated into our modular software (AUTOSAR-compliant) that are specially designed for the special features of hydrogen operation. In addition, new software functions as well as new hardware components can be quickly integrated in order to verify or validate them on the test bench.
RCP and series production ECU in one - Our PROtroniC TargetLINE

New tank control unit for hydrogen applications
At the IAA TRANSPORTATION 2022, we presented our new "Hydrogen Storage Control Unit" (HSCU) for the first time. Designed for heavy-duty vehicles, it safely and reliably controls the refueling process at hydrogen filling stations.

If you want to know more about our heavy-duty test rigs with hydrogen supply or our service portfolio for hydrogen projects, please get in touch with us!